Visit the website of the NRA and you’ll need to login to the INTO

May 30th, 2008   3:59 pm

Listening to a piece on Newstalk about the barrier-free M50 tolling, I decided to lookup However, as with a lot of sites still (in this day in age, yada yada), that address doesn’t work, and you need to use

However, if you visit the former, you’ll be prompted for a username/password for is the website of the INTO (Irish National Teachers Organisation).

Sites not working unless you use the www. are annoying enough, but sites that use the root domain ( in this case) to point to a non-public website, or a website of a different meaning altogether are far more annoying.

Both are hosted with Novara (now a part of Digiweb), but I’m not sure who is responsible for the sites.
