Tuesday Push

Feb 24th, 2009   6:08 pm

(Tuseday Push Logo)I’ve been meaning to get on board the Tuesday Push, properly this time. The idea is that a group of Irish web based companies (or just sites!) promote each other’s products in a coordinated way. It’s a form of a leg up from your peers, as it were.

I can understand the initial reaction, that it seems a closed boys club, but the transparency in which it’s run quickly dispels that theory. Damien Mulley, the man behind the most transparent web awards in Ireland, if not further afield, started the Tuesday Push last year and since then, bloggers have all been reviewing the companies being pushed, with documented success (for the “Pushee”).

I’ve blogged about Toddle in the past, as part of the Tuesday Push, as that was the only site I’d used that was being pushed. I aim to continue with that principle (only review/talk up something I’ve used). However, from now on, I’ll actually go and use the site/product so that I can review it.

First up, I’ll be posting about 1Time, a nifty time-tracking website. After that, I’ll aim to keep up with the Tuesday Push!

You can read more about the Tuesday Push, or sign up to have your site/company pushed.
