By default, Mozilla Thunderbird uses the reply string of “Joe Soap wrote:” . That is the string that appears at the top of your reply (if you’re using in line replies). You can change that, by editing your prefs.js.
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Welcome to the website of Irish mobile, and web, app developer, Cathal Garvey.
By default, Mozilla Thunderbird uses the reply string of “Joe Soap wrote:” . That is the string that appears at the top of your reply (if you’re using in line replies). You can change that, by editing your prefs.js.
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Are Smart Telecom finally going to do some real LLU work in Ireland? They’ve just announced unbundled ADSL2 for Eur 35/month. Sounds too good to be true, eh?
So what’s the snag? 128Kbps upload, no fixed IP, and “no contention” or “download limits”. The slow upload rules me out straight away, and many others like me, but maybe they’ll look at that. They have been interacting on public forums, which is positive.. but it remains to be seen how well they manage their rollout, and customer service (which have plagued all current DSL providers, bar none).
The 2 big issues for me are upload speed, and how they’ll manage their network to cope with warez monkies. However, it is definitely a move to be welcomed, and hopefully will spark some further competition, and not just the pathetic reselling of the incumbent’s bitstream products.
We’ve read that planning permission has been granted to play on the Sunday, but Ticketmaster were only selling Friday and Saturday performances today (which have both sold out). However if you search on their (useless) site, you’ll see a list for the Sunday gig, so I guess it’s a little more official 🙂
At the time of writing, I’ve had If you are receiving this notice the current demand on the site is too high to allow you to continue at this moment. in my web browser after clicking on Tickemaster’s option to purchase U2 tickets. Also, at the time of writing, I’ve yet to hear of anyone who has purchased a ticket online successfully.
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In a letter to his fans, Larry Mullen said
By the way, a note to those so-called U2 fans who are quick to accuse
U2 of unseemly behaviour, I’ve only got two words for you…
Cheers Larry. So not alone am I not a U2 fan, I’m also to go and F*** off, because you (and yours) decided to pick a technology partner who has clearly demonstrated an inability to perform the job, time and time again; who choose to charge one of the highest (if not the highest) commission in the service industry. How hard is it to get decent hardware to support a queuing system? Not that hard. Are ticketmaster up to the job? Clearly not. Is that U2 fans’ fault? Clearly not. Have they a right to complain at a crap decision by U2? Absolutely! Especially if they signed up to the farce that is premium membership of
So Larry, I say 2 things to you:
1) Get some direction on how to treat your fan base
2) “F*** you right back”