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SDSL a step closer

Jan 11th, 2005   5:51 pm


SDSL is almost here, with 2 Dublin exchanges being enabled in the coming weeks, according to this SiliconRepublic Article

Finally, someone to offer proper DSL competition, and not ESat BT’s lame attempt to offer competition in the area (small number of exchanges kitted out, small number of lines unbundled, small number of CSRs who care, lost orders, etc., etc.)

Definately a positive move.. good luck to LEAP in providing this service, and hopefully they’ll be cost competitive and have good customer service to back it up. Such a simple formula we’ve not seen to date, on any large scale.

iTunes Music Store Ireland Finally Opens!

Jan 8th, 2005   10:35 pm

Mac Rumors: iTunes Music Store Ireland Opens

Not that I’m a big buyer of music, it does force a bit of competition into the market. I’d still question the value of 99c per song, but I guess it’s not grey-market goods like CD Wow or AllOfMP3. While I dislike DRM of any form, I think it’s inevitable, and we can’t live in a world of freely copy-able music. iTunes seems to go some of the way to make DRM less of a pain for ordinary users, and, let’s face it, is the easiest downloadable music shopping experience for the vast majority of users. Here’s to many more improvements.

Now, off to change my country back to Irealnd in my Apple profile. They’ve even made that easy to do.

Pints for 3 Euro in Dublin City centre?

Dec 31st, 2004   4:16 pm

If you’re looking for a lovely micro-brewed Weiss beer in Dublin, look no further than Messers. Maguires on O’Connell Bridge. It’s a lovely weiss beer, and sells for only 3 Euro. The barman didn’t know much about the beer or if it would be 3 Euro for a while to come yet, but did seem to think it would be. They do a mean steak sandwich too!

New Year’s Resolutions

Dec 29th, 2004   1:56 pm

Aside from the usual cracks about “1024 x 768″…. my New Year’s Resolutions are:

  1. None