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2 BoI BoL continues to please

Jan 31st, 2005   12:37 pm

Aside from my disgust that, as a small business customer, I should have to pay a hefty monthly charge to use online banking (which, surely saves the bank money and should, therefore, be encouraged), I’ve really been peeved at their customer support over one reoccurring incident.
Read More… Launches

Jan 27th, 2005   6:13 am

So, I’ve finally got one of my small/hobby projects off the ground. is a URL truncation service, very like I just got tired of timeouts, and slow redirects with TinyURL, and wanted a more local offering to Irish users (although, it’s not limited to them, by any means).
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Revisit: Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh in 1984

Jan 27th, 2005   5:59 am

Although, primarily a PC user, I do admire Macs, and have done right through their history.. price is the only thing putting me off right now (it used to be peripheral device support, but that’s more or less sorted).

If you have broadband, it’s well worth a look at the original release of the Mac, back in 1984. There are some links to download it on this blogging site.

It was a huge step in personal computing history, even the most avid (IBM based) PC fans will have to admit that .. and it reminds me so much, of present-day MacWorlds. The audience erupts when the Mac generates a scrolling “M A C I N T O S H” across the screen, it’s amazing to watch.. so stop reading this and go download it!!

Planxty as good as ever?

Jan 21st, 2005   2:33 am

Having spent as long getting out of Dublin (granted, it was peak hour) as it took us to travel from the airport to Belfast, making us late for Luka Bloom support, and the start of the Planxty concert, I can still say it was well worth it, the half we did see. It was great music, banter and craic .. and the Waterfront in Belfast is a lovely auditorium, albeit a little big for this intimate affair.

Christy Moore summed it up when he said it was great to see the hall full, even though most people there never saw the original band live. I like lots of different types of music (and not just old fogey stuff!!), but this was truely a fine rendition of Irish tradtitional music. It was clear to see the lads were mainly there for the music, and not the money.

I’d highly recommend a Planxty concert to those anyway interested in that type of music. If you do travel to Belfast, though, be sure to bring good directions, as relying on signage is not an option (and of course, if male, you’re not allowed to ask for directions!).
