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14 Remotely applying IPCop patches from the command line

Jul 29th, 2008   1:57 pm

IPCop has a built in (although sometimes broken) download/apply UI for patches / security updates. However, it is broken sometimes, and there are times where it’s easier do it over SSH (slow, or unreliable connectivity, for example). Having Googled a bit, there wasn’t an immediate or obvious solution, so I dug around in the CGI scripts to see how it’s done.
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12 Joomla2WordPress – A Joomla importer for WordPress

After plenty of Googling, I could find no easy way of importing content (news articles and links) from a Joomla install in to a new WordPress install. The closest I came across was
Mambo2WordPress (direct download), but the original author’s page has been removed, so I could no longer tell if it was being maintained.
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Visitors to our House of late

Jul 26th, 2008   10:18 pm

We’ve had 2 unusual visitors to our house of late

8 Updates to

Jul 7th, 2008   3:21 am

I’ve made a few small interim changes to I say interim, because I’ve a whole new code base in beta testing (with a few new handy features).. but I don’t have the time to fully test it yet (especially under load). So here’s a quick look at the new features (and the reasoning behind them).
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